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Everyone loves weddings. With their tasteful outfits, delicious food, happy couple-to-be, and the reuniting of family and friends, it is impossible to not have fun. For years, countless couples have been exploring the different options for wedding venues, straying away from the classic locations, (which are beautiful don’t get us wrong) adventuring out of the state or country for their special day. Destination weddings are a big hit, providing couples a special week with their family and friends in remote, beautiful locations. At New Horizons Travel, we encourage the exploration of destination weddings, and we have some great advice from an experienced couple to help you decide if it is the right choice for you and your partner!

“The cliché is: your wedding day is the fastest day you’ll experience. It’s over so quick. Why not extend that one day into a week of memories? You’ll be able to savor the experience so much more.” This is sage advice from Sadie and Ryan Young, who had their destination wedding at the Dreams Resort in the Rivera Maya, Mexico. Your wedding week—and specifically your wedding day—are moments you don’t want to rush through. Having a destination wedding allows you and your guests to have ample time to do fun activities and create memories: things that can be a bit overwhelming to do in just one day. Sadie and Ryan recommend destination weddings to couples who value experiences over items. “We remember a dozen experiences that we were able to share on that trip, [rather than] one day of people getting together and getting us things from a list.” If you and your partner feel similar, a destination wedding could be the perfect fit for you! Activities are a great way to connect all of your wedding guests and provide a fun, interactive experience for every attendee. Whether it’s snorkeling at the beach, getting massages, going fishing, trips to water parks, or enjoying the nightlife, guests who wouldn’t typically interact with each other will have time to connect and make everlasting memories and friendships through these experiences.

Weddings do take quite a bit of planning, and destination weddings are no exception. It can be difficult organizing the number of guests with their plane tickets and accommodations, so Sadie and Ryan recommend starting your planning process at least 10 months in advance to ensure everything is in order. It is also important to work with your travel company and travel agent! At New Horizons Travel, we are always ready to help you and your partner to make everything easier. We will ensure that you and your guests are equipped with the necessary items for your wedding experience including a photographer, make-up artist, and reception opportunities.

Destination weddings are such a magical and memorable experience for you, your partner and your guests alike. Give us a call and we will help create the perfect wedding filled with sun, sand, and lots of love. Nothing is better than saying “I do” on vacation!

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